01759 302 395 office@wlp.education


Welcome to the Haematology Department!

Pupils at Melbourne Primary School have taken their learning to a new level already this term by making replica blood to learn all about the different components it contains as part of their Circulatory System project. This exciting project will explore the role of the circulatory system and its main parts, carrying out research to Welcome to the Haematology Department!

The Big Conversation – Series 1: Our Vision

Welcome to ‘The Big Conversation’ at the Wonder Learning Partnership where you can be a part of shaping our Trust. It is time to bring our whole school family together, to invite our colleagues from schools across the East Riding of Yorkshire and North Yorkshire, to help shape our future and to bring about the The Big Conversation – Series 1: Our Vision

What is Female Genital Mutilation or FGM?

The World Health Organisation defines FGM as “…all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons”. The Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 (as amended) narrows the definition of FGM to not include: a surgical operation on a girl that was What is Female Genital Mutilation or FGM?

The Benefits of Peer Observation in Teaching: Learning from Each Other

Malcolm Gladwell first introduced the notion of the ‘10,000-hour rule’ to a mass audience in his book ‘Outliers’ in 2008. Here it is claimed that 10,000 hours of practice are key to achieving world-class expertise. Although a contentious claim, there is little doubt that high quality practice leads to improved performance. The knowledge and practice The Benefits of Peer Observation in Teaching: Learning from Each Other

Governor Link Role: SEND

All governing boards should have a governor with specific oversight of the school’s arrangements for pupils and students with SEND who are responsible for championing the needs of pupils with SEND. Although SEND is a whole board responsibility, in order to fulfil their duties and provide strategic leadership, governors and trustees need to understand SEND Governor Link Role: SEND