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A Level - Full-time
Subject Area: Business & Industry
Assessment: Exam
Location: Longcroft
Course Entry Requirements Icon Entry Requirements:

There are no entry requirements above those required to enter the Sixth Form. However, it will best suit those with an enquiring mind, and an interest in current affairs and today’s society. Some of the examination questions require extended writing, so an ability to write well is helpful.

Why do we need law? How are laws made? How does the law deal with murder and theft? How do judges make decisions? Law has an impact on all areas of our lives, from the contracts we make when we purchase items to the defences people use when they are accused of a criminal offence and the punishments imposed on people when they break the law. The A Level Law course is an exciting opportunity to explore a range of legal areas and learn more about society from a legal perspective, whilst developing skills of analysis, evaluation and problem solving.

Additional Course Information

What will I study and learn?

Component 1 – The legal system and criminal law

Section A: The legal system focuses on civil and criminal courts, the legal professions, and access to justice. You will develop knowledge and understanding of the processes and people involved in the law and the changing nature of the legal system. You will gain a critical awareness of the legal system.

Section B: Criminal law focuses on the rules and general elements of criminal law, criminal liability, offences against the person, offences against property and defences. You will develop your understanding of criminal law, apply their legal knowledge to scenario-based situations, and gain a critical awareness of the present state of criminal law.

Component 2 – Law making and the law of tort

Section A: Law making focuses on law making in England and Wales as well as the European Union. You will develop an understanding of legal method and reasoning as used by lawyers and the judiciary. You will gain a critical awareness of law making in England and of EU law.

Section B: The law of tort focuses on the rules of tort, liability in negligence, occupiers’ liability and remedies. You will develop your understanding of the law of tort, apply their legal knowledge to scenario-based situations, and gain a critical awareness of the present state of the law of tort.

Component 3 – The nature of law and the law of contract

Section A: The nature of law focuses on the nature of law in a wider context and how it interacts with morality, justice and society.

Section B: The law of contract focuses on the central elements of contract law from the formation of contracts to their enforcement. You will develop your knowledge and understanding, the skills to apply your legal knowledge to scenario-based situations and gain a critical awareness of the present state of the law.

How will I be assessed?
  • There are three exams taken at the end of the course.
  • Each account for one third of your A Level grade.
  • The 3 exams last 2 hours and are worth 100 marks each.
  • The exams consist of a range of questions including short and long essays and questions that require you to apply the law to different scenarios.
Further Opportunities

The A Level provides an excellent introduction for students who want to read law at university or start a legal apprenticeship. It also provides an invaluable background for a range of career paths such as journalism, marketing, public relations, teaching, business and government.

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