Our Intent
We believe that Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) enables our pupils to develop knowledge, skills and attributes needed to manage balanced lives and to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Across school, we teach children about how society is organised and governed and we ensure that they experience the process of democracy in school through the school council. We want children to understand their rights and responsibilities as an individual and show empathy and understanding to others. In doing so, we help develop their sense of self-worth by encouraging them to play a positive role in school life and the wider community and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
Relationship & Sex Education
Our RSE is embedded within our PSHE and wider curriculum. We offer pupils a carefully planned programme using the 1 Decision scheme to teach PSHE and RSE.
From September 2020, Health Education and Relationships Education became statutory in all schools across the UK. Following this decision by the Department of Education, the 1decision team created a mapping document to support schools. This document looks at how the 1decision resources are mapped against the new statutory framework (see link below).
Key Stage 1
· Identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the body and say which part of the body is associated with each of the senses;
· Animals, including humans, have offspring that grow into adults.
Key Stage 2
· Describe the differences in the life cycle of a mammal, an amphibian and insect and a bird
· Describe the life process of reproduction in some plants and animals
· Describe the changes as humans develop to old age
· Recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function
The 1decision knowledge organisers (see link below) provide an overview of the information and key vocabulary that will be taught in each unit from Year 1 to Year 6 during PSHE and RSE. These knowledge organisers are introduced to the children at the beginning of each module and are referred to throughout their learning to embed and consolidate key learning.
We encourage parents and carers to view the knowledge organisers so that you are aware of the topics being taught, the key information covered within each module and to view the key vocabulary and phrases used in the lessons.
Year 1 – 3
Year 4-6
In years 5 and 6, children will learn about puberty. Across this module, the children will cover the following objectives:
- explain what puberty means, describe the changes that boys and girls may go through during puberty;
- identify why our bodies’ go through puberty;
- explain what will happen to their bodies during puberty;
- develop coping strategies to help with the different stages of puberty;
- identify who and what can help us during puberty.
Sex Education
Sex education is not compulsory in primary schools. The Department for Education continues to recommend “…that all primary schools should have a sex education programme…it should ensure that both boys and girls are prepared for the changes of adolescence brings and how a baby is conceived and born.”
Using the 1descison programme, year 6 children will be cover the following key objectives:
- explain the terms of ‘conception’ and ‘reproduction’;
- describe the function of the female and male reproductive systems;
- identify the various ways adults can have a child;
- explain various different stages of pregnancy;
- identify the laws around consent.
Parents/carers have a legal right to excuse their child(ren) from sex education within RSE (but not within National curriculum science and not from Relationships Education at primary).
If you wish to view the videos and resources that will be used during these lessons or have any concerns about the RSE provision, please get in contact with the class teacher who will take time to address any concerns or share the resources with you.