01759 302 395 office@wlp.education

Sharing Expertise & Experience

Building professional relationships for the benefit of colleagues and children.

We have a dedicated team with the expertise and experience to continue improving the education and school environment for your children, staff, and school community.

Our work is based on best practice and uses evidence-based research before seeking to make changes resulting in lasting fundamental improvements. We share this work beyond the boundaries of our schools in our continued desire to help all schools provide the best education.

We seek to bring about long-lasting and fundamental change through the work we do, and to engage all as we embed our proven approaches. Strong governance and leadership combined with a collaborative and consultative approach lead to a positive and long-term vision for school improvement.

For those schools who seek to work informally or formally with the Trust, we seek to provide those opportunities to build professional relationships through our strategic, curriculum and quality of education team meetings. The level of participation set out through the different options we provide, ensure schools can either opt to work with colleagues within their locality and establish a professional dialogue and exchange of ideas, or alternatively help shape the future direction of the Trust, its priorities and work with all schools.

Trust schools benefit from all these partnerships and more, establishing working relationships and continually learning from other schools who are Trust ‘Friends,’ or part of our ‘Family.’ This ensures we are enriched by the knowledge and experiences of many colleagues and schools. It helps us to continually reflect, to improve and to ensure we continue to do the very best for our children and colleagues.

Explore how Wonder can benefit your school.
Contact us to discuss becoming a ‘Friend’, ‘Family’ or ‘Trust’ member.