01759 302 395 office@wlp.education
School Improvement
School Improvement

Improving with the Institute of Education

We believe that education is our greatest liberator. This core value places pupils at the heart of all we do. At the Institute of Education, we work collaboratively to empower colleagues to enrich pupils’ educational experiences so that they may thrive in an ever-changing world.

The Institute of Education exists to serve the needs of our colleague practitioners, parents and pupils. We recognise that our key values of; educate, empower, engage, enrich are not mutually exclusive. By interweaving these into our school improvement strategies we create a rich tapestry and offer an environment where practitioners and pupils can thrive and succeed.

If you want to discuss how the Institute of Education can benefit your school, please contact us.

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Financial Management
Financial Management

Efficiencies with Effective Financial Management

We understand that headteachers wish to concentrate on their passion for educating the children in their care but the continual pressure on budgets takes up valuable time. Our expert in finance has worked across our schools to implement the most robust financial structures best suited to their needs and desired outcomes.

Being responsible for the financial security of a school can be daunting as the pressure on budgets continues to know no bounds. The Wonder Learning Partnership’s financial modelling has allowed us to ease some of the pressure on our family of schools as we have worked together to build in financial performance indicators as well as gaining an oversight of the key financial pressures.

Working together we have created resource efficiencies which help maximise some of our budget areas. By planning and budgeting effectively across the trust, we can ease the pressure on our schools, allowing them to become more financially resilient.

As pupil numbers peak and trough, the impact on individual school budgets can be immense. Our team can help review your revenue projections and advise where changes can be implemented to support your school’s financial plan.

If you would like to know more about our financial management support package. Please get in touch.

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Estates and Compliance
Estates and Compliance

Creating the Best Environments for Children to Play and Learn

Our Trust is incredibly fortunate to have experts in the fields of health and safety, facilities management, site compliance among other things who are dedicated to helping our schools create the most efficient and safe environments for our children to learn, play and develop in. The work of our estates and compliance team has resulted in several funding bids being secured including that for the Woldgate School and Sixth Form rebuild.

In conducting a thorough health and safety audit of our family of schools we have been able prioritise projects effectively preventing maintenance risk and planning to avoid those short-term fixes which can be a drain on budgets.

As part of the long-term maintenance budget planning, our team undertake cost benefit analysis to help avoid the reactive repair spend. They can also advise on applying for Capital Funding from the Condition Improvement Fund (CIF).

Our Our Estates and Compliance Team is also working very closely with our People and Culture Team to improve school environments for pupils and colleagues.

If you need advice or would like us to consult on a project, then please do get in touch.

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People and Culture
People and Culture

The Wonder Effect of People and Culture

Our team has a breadth of experience and knowledge with a clear understanding of the impact of educational context on personnel issues within schools. Our priority is to provide practical and proactive support to leaders and colleagues leading to the best outcomes for the education of our children.

Recruiting and retaining colleagues requires investment in time and understanding of the impact of poor practice. Using their expertise, our team has focused on creating a robust recruitment process, investing in employee welfare, and promoting health and wellbeing through policy and practice.  We understand low morale can impact a school community, and leaders do not always feel equipped with the knowledge to make a difference.

If you need support starting the recovery of staff wellbeing, creating rigorous recruitment procedures or have any other personnel or wellbeing matters, then please contact us to see how we can help.

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Data Management and Communication
Data Management and Communication

Effective systems and Communication

As our family grows, we are investing time in building systems to not only improve data management but to create efficiencies in operational needs and effective communication. With key information and resources accessible from a central core system, our colleagues have access to a breadth of data and knowledge allowing for effective decision making, building strategies, engaging with colleagues, sharing resources and more. Developing such systems provides the opportunity for improved internal communication and strengthens relationships and wellbeing across our wider family.

Equally as important is engaging effectively with the wider school community – parents, pupils, governors, residents, and local businesses. We believe defining a school’s vision and values is the first step to effective communication. Vision and values along with a school’s brand identity provide the tone and core message for all communication. Having a consistent approach to presentation across all communication mediums whether internal or external underpins our identity and makes communication more effective.

If you need support with creating effective systems for your setting or are thinking of rebranding or revising your communication tools, then please contact us.

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Wonder News

20 January 2025

Sir Bob’s Castle Library

Children and staff at Pocklington Junior School were bursting with excitement as they officially opened their new school library. The theme for the library, ...

20 January 2025

Forest of Knowledge

What started as an idea on paper from the fabulous imagination of children has now become an incredible space to enhance learning and create ...

20 December 2024

Catering Manager Wins Award

Kerry Murray, Catering Manager for Chartwells who provide the catering service to the school was nominated by Geraint Davies, Regional Manager for their ‘Be ...

20 December 2024

Wonder’s Writing Journey

Wonder Learning Partnership’s journey with writing began with a learning walk in each primary. We identified the parts of the writing process that we ...

22 November 2024

Learning Distractors

To view or not to view; what is a distractor? I often participate in training sessions where the starting point is Willingham’s working memory ...

6 November 2024

Executive Functioning

Secondary School Transition – NASEN’s SEND conference. While the term “executive functioning” is no doubt familiar to early years practitioners, it may be less ...

24 October 2024

Happiness Heroes

Pocklington Junior School has launched its myHappymind programme which is designed for schools to help prepare today’s children for tomorrow’s world by building resilient, ...

9 October 2024

Empowering Feedback

As part of our Trust’s commitment to ‘living our values into being’ we start this year by thanking colleagues and our wider school family ...

9 October 2024

Commendation for GCSE pupil

Staff were delighted to celebrate with pupils, Sixth Form students and their families as this year’s A Level and GCSE examination results were released. ...

9 October 2024

Results Success!

We are delighted and proud to announce an amazing set of results for our Year 13 students today with 80% of grades awarded A* ...

6 August 2024

Kingfisher Data Management

As a Trust we have developed a proprietary data management system called Kingfisher. It began fundamentally as a data display system for teachers and ...

1 July 2024

Introducing Whitby School

We are delighted to share the new identity for Whitby School as we bring the school communities of Caedmon College, Eskdale School and Whitby ...

1 July 2024

The difference an effective teacher makes

The recent release of the NASEN Teacher Handbook: SEND makes this clear. Here, the importance of the role of the teacher is acknowledged: ‘The ...

23 May 2024

Opening Doors with Effective Writing

In September 2023, Trust primaries met for a full-day workshop on writing. The workshop represented a culmination of months of hard work from primary ...

23 May 2024

Sharing Success with Local MP

Graham Stuart MP met pupils and staff at Longcroft School and Sixth Form to see for himself the amazing progress that the school has ...